There she is... she, who has been my mirror, shining back at me with a world of possibilities. She who has been my witness, who has seen me at my worst and best, and loves me anyway. She who has been my accomplice, my partner in crime, my midnight companion. She with whom there is no need of a language but that of winks and frowns and snarls and smiles. She who has been my teacher, my defense attorney, my personal press agent. She with whom I have shared childhood memories and grown-up dreams.
She who entered a hospital tonight, to receive her first dose of chemotherapy -an aggressive one, for that matter- and still had the strenght to jest on phone before the first injection as we talked, telling me that in 11 more days she shall have no hair of her own, but at the same time, she shall have the chance to buy the hair she always lusted for.
That amazing woman is my beautiful Sister. In the picture, She peacefully smiles 15 years ago, next to her daughter and next to me while I hold her second son.
~ January 11,2007 ~
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