Monday, June 15, 2009



Acciorndg to a sruvey of an Eginlsh Uvnitresiy, it deos not mtater the odrer in wchih lteters are witrten, the olny iromtpant tinhg is taht the first and the lsat lerttes are in a corcret piotsion. The rset can be taltoly wonrg and you can sltil raed the phsrae wtohiut a plobrem.

The resaon: we do not raed ecah letetr one by one, but the wrod as a whloe. I pesonrally thnik it is icrneidlbe.

~August 13, 2006~

1 comment:

  1. but it semes to be ture, for I raed yuor phrsaes wihtuot prboelm.
