I arrived home after having been gone for most part of this year. Home is the new house to which the husband had to move (along with all our belongings gathered in 29 years of marriage), while I was away, and to which I arrived after my first trip to USA and stayed for a few days until it was time for me to return and tend to my sister while she received radio and chemo therapies in the States.
During the first stay, I added some of my favorites: plants and flowers. The new house is a 2700 square feet construction placed in a 10.800 square feet lot, so I have lusted for a rustic garden and lots of plants and flowers inside the house; I did take the first steps towards "nature all over the place" until I had to leave again for USA.
On returning, I faced reality: not all men are made to maintain gardens and plants. Inside the house, all plants were dead! The husband had forgotten to water them.

Well, all plants but the one in the bathroom. I realized later on it was a miracle that plant was still alive, when I found out about the watering method: now and then he would pull that plant under the warm water while he was taking his morning shower!

The outside garden was... exhuberant, to say the least. The grass was totally grown, and it had devoured the flowers. One thing towered over the overgrown grass though, a new element that had been added to my garden: a phalic monument!

The husband is fond of archeology and in one of his trips he found this ancient sun clock, which he had brought home. I admit it is a very nice piece, but I felt it was a must to tell him that the garden needed to be planned and not to have "pieces" added by whim, he said: oh no worries, I shall hire a garden designer for you. I shall post a picture of the garden once it is done, but for some odd reason I reckon it shall take a while as he is in charge of finding the designer.
In the meanwhile, all I was able to do was to run to the market and buy a few ornamental plants and plenty of flowers for inside the house.

~ August 28, 2007 ~
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